
Showing posts from November, 2017

My 2 Cents on Everything!

                                                                  My 2 Cents on Everything! In the past few months we have discussed multiple topics involving new age media and communication. Some was interesting, while others were downright scary. Never the less, what is exactly should we do with this information? In my opinion, we should view most of these topics with enthusiasm. In the past 15 years, we have seen incredible new platforms and mediums for us to communicate emerge. Everyone now has an online persona on at least one platform, be it Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Myspace, or Snapchat just to name a few. Even our current president uses social media as his primary means of communication with the American people, and it is now emerging just how much social media's role played in the 2016 election. It just goes to show that the study of sociolinguistics is only in its initial stages, and will sure grow immensely with every new platform of communication that is added

The Darkweb World

                                                                                   The Darkweb World You may have seen or heard the term "darkweb" before, do you know exactly what was being referenced? Similarly the terms "bitcoin", "dark net market, "tor", or "onion browser" may have have been included in the same conversation. These are all part of a growing hidden world world known as the "darknet". The darknet idea and origins actually stem from the U.S. Navy doing research on how to store secret information back in the mid 1990's. It was adapted and released to the public in the early 2000's, and really became popular in the last decade. The darknet is basically a hidden internet, with sites and other information hidden from public view. A specific program has to be used to view the darknet, with programs like Tor and Onion being the most popular. The main concept behind the darknet is that the people using it rem

Writing vs. Art: One and The Same?

                                                                             Writing vs. Art: One and The Same? The question has been asked before: What’s the difference between a writer and an artist? Or is there one at all? In viewing “Exit Through the Gift Shop”, a Banksy documentary involving street art and the people behind it- I ask myself the same question. What exactly is the difference in say street art versus literature? The obvious difference to cover first is medium. Clearly literature and writing is more of the mind while art is a visual experience. Art involves viewing a something and understanding its meaning, while writing involves someone's imagination much more. Regardless of these differences I feel that art is just a more abbreviated form of writing, or writing with objects if you will. Both seek to communicate a certain message, or a specific feeling or emotion. They are both ways to express the creators thoughts or ideas, and to do so in a way that